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Good reviews
Three-month-old baby
My baby was diagnosed with COVID-19, and due to the early change in weather, the baby's skin became very sensitive. I tried other brands, but they didn't provide any relief and the condition worsened. However, after using the Skin Balm, my baby's skin improved within a few days! Now, my baby is happy and feeling much better. 🥰
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Mothers who start using it in the early stages of pregnancy
I have always been afraid of developing stretch marks during pregnancy! It's great that my friend introduced Cherub Rubs to me, and I started to use its Mommy set from the early stages of pregnancy which has helped keep my tummy smooth! On the other hand, another friend didn't use Cherub Rubs and ended up with stretch marks after giving birth. 😭😭
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Customers suffering from eczema
I have eczema and have tried many products without seeing any improvement. Fortunately, my friend recommended Cherub Rubs Skin Balm, and it made a significant difference! It works even better when combined with their Baby Calm Oil.
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The Only Solution: How CR Products Changed skin of My Daughter
Indeed, it was so stressful when skin of my daughter was suffering. She has beautiful skin now though, thanks to CR products. I had skincare products purchased all over the world, from Europe, US, Australia etc. At some point, our home looked like a pharmacy. The only thing that helped is CR products. I’m for sure a life-long advocate. ❤ Especially the Skin Balm. Truly grateful to have found CR!
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作為十年的慢性濕疹患者,無論是夏季的潮濕還是冬季的乾燥,濕疹都會發作,手指都會乾裂並出血,便需要使用類固醇藥膏,反覆發作使我無法徹底治好。幸好在使用Cherub Rubs的皇牌套裝後,感受到其對皮膚的低刺激性和護膚效果,改善了皮膚質素,讓我在換季時不再那麼容易復發嚴重的濕疹,已有的濕疹也顯著減輕。
真實用家 - Tracey媽媽經驗話我哋知
真實用家 - Tracey媽媽經驗話我哋知,先用紓緩痕癢露止痕 ,再用皇牌護膚膏呢個組合,係對濕疹BB的皮膚係最好的護理方式,Cherub Rubs的產品組合在皮膚吸收+堅持保濕+抗敏方面都非常出色的!
Recommended by star-rated beauty moms
星級靚媽 🎀Cherrie Chung🍒
包包仔嘅皮膚比較容易敏感,所以喺揀選沖涼同護膚品俾佢嘅時候,我哋都會特別留意成份,盡量減低佢致敏嘅機會🥰🛁用過Cherub Rubs 全天然有機泡泡沐浴露之後就更加愛上😍唔單止成份溫和,喺浴盤水加入1-2滴已經輕易造出豐盈綿密泡沫,浸完浴無須過水又不澀眼睛,淋浴都可以當普通沐浴露用㗎🧴仲含薰衣草及柑橘精華油🍊有效舒緩情緒同令精神放鬆,所以沖完涼特別好瞓😴你哋都快啲試吓啦🥰
Beauties Mom - Algie
Baby Goods Review 👶🏻 I think the most trustworthy brand in baby skin care products is Cherub Rubs which is from Australia! All of their products are 100% certified organic + natural, safe, reliable, and perfect for sensitive and eczema-prone skin. Their products are made in Australia and use only natural organic ingredients, ensuring they are free from chemicals or synthetic substances!
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Beauties Mom - Bowie
I just got my hands on this brand's skincare products when visited BB Expo last time - their Tummy Oil and Tummy Balm are 100 natural + organic. After trying them out, I noticed that my skin absorbs them quickly without feeling greasy. 😍 Also, even though my tummy has been growing rapidly this month, I haven't developed any stretch marks (thank goodness) 🤭 The oil bottle with the pump is so convenient, and I've already used up a lot! Additionally, sometimes I experience skin allergies during pregnancy, but Cherub Rubs has a natural skin soothe that helps to soothe itchiness. 🙆🏻♀
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Beauties Mom - Christie
Every time goes out with Curtis, I always apply the Scatterbugs on him to effectively prevent mosquito bites👍🏻 If, unfortunately, he does get bitten, I would use the Skin Soothe to alleviate the itchiness and discomfort. It is very convenient to bring out as it does not require a large space which is suitable for children and adults use! 🎒
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Beauties Mom - Kathryn
Choose the best skin care products for her children to ensure their tenderness is protected from harm caused by chemicals. Cherub Rubs Australia's fun products have received authoritative certification and are 100% natural and use organic raw materials. They are suitable for newborn babies, pregnant women, patients with eczema, favismia, and anyone else!
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星級靚媽 我家恐龍Do Re Mi Fa
快夏天了,到戶外活動好容易被蟲子咬,這時好開心收到Cherub Rubs Gift Set ,兩塊好可愛的安撫毛巾,妹妹對它們愛不釋手😂😂。因為寶寶的肌膚是很單薄幼嫩的。塗在寶寶肌膚上的護理產品必需是純天然、有機、溫和、安全、且不添加任何化學物質。她們的配方採用安全原料,比率及濃度適合初生嬰兒、孕婦、濕疹、皮膚敏感、任何肌膚及年齡人仕使用。確保讓皮膚吸收安全皮膚食物。所以我很放心讓家中小朋友使用Cherub Rubs🫶🏻🫶🏻。
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星級靚媽 Mrs Co:Lam
Aji 嬰兒時期第一支防蚊露、第一支防曬乳,係用澳洲製造嘅趣樂Cherub Rubs,而家佢表妹出世,我都係介紹呢個品牌產品俾佢媽咪🥰 100%全天然有機高門檻認證,初生BB都用得,皮膚科醫生測試認可,Aji由newborn baby時用到大,親身測試過㗎😆 安全有效,俾BB用我梗係淨係信Cherub Rubs‼️最近收到Cherub Rubs嘅禮物籃,打開真係好開心,裡面都係我心水皇牌產品👑
Beauties Mom - Kneta
Summer is here, so don't forget to protect your children from mosquitoes when going out! I highly recommend their Scatterbugs for kids. They are not the old-fashioned sprays that I'm worried about accidentally getting in their eyes or mouth. With these creams, you can simply apply them and feel much more at ease. 🥰
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Beauties Mom - Snow
Cherub Rubs is committed to providing you with safe and reliable skin protection
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Beauties Mom - MM
Cherub Rubs is committed to providing you with safe and reliable skin protection
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Beauties Mom - Jessica
Cherub Rubs is committed to providing you with safe and reliable skin protection
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Beauties Mom - Tina
Cherub Rubs is committed to providing you with safe and reliable skin protection
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